September 28, 2013
Bishop Mark Webb
Upper New York Conference
United Methodist Church
324 University Ave., 3rd Floor
Syracuse, NY 13210
Dear Bishop Webb,
I would like to start my letter by saying I do not envy you and your current situation at all. It must be hard to be faced with this type of decision. There are many people watching you and your decision, you may in fact be writing history. This is why I am writing you, I hope that you will be able to see the right way to proceed, not from a religious or ideological stand point but as a human being. I feel religion although at the heart of this issue bears no weight on this issue, it is more than ideology.
Some background first, I was raised a United Methodist, went to church, and Methodist summer camp. In my adult life I strayed and didn't go to church, college was too much fun to be up before noon on a Sunday. When I finally “grew up”. I decided I wanted to go back to church. Found a phenomenal church attended, was on a committee and even had my son baptized there. Then the pastor was transferred and I stopped going, the pastor being the main reason I was there. This pastor was dynamic, knowledgeable but most importantly I could relate as a human, not just as someone to seek guidance from. After this pastor left I asked around but my wife and I currently do not feel the need to attend a church, and the fact that the church as an organization is so closed minded about the issue of homosexuality is the main reason.
As a human being, which we all are, we do not have a right to decide who get to love who. I don't care if your a president, king, dictator, or pastor. Love is out of bounds to you. If we were ALL created in God's image then, if he has such a hang up on homosexuality then why does it exist? Simple thought I know but give it a minute. Okay moving on, secondly, I have met some people who are homosexual who are more loving, and better Christians than some clergy out there. These people have been facing a lifetime of discrimination and yet they find solace in a God who, in your narrow interpretation does not even care about them. To me those people embody what faith means. Let us not forget that in the 20th century it was illegal for an African American to marry a white person. We look at that now and see that as crazy and backward. Sound a bit familiar?
I am imploring you to look at the decision at hand. You are going to go after a man who wanted his daughter to be happy, and did what he could to do that. He then helped other children (we are all God's children right?) to be happy as well. Instead of punishing the man I want to shake his hand, and tell him keep up the good work. This man is helping people who others have cast aside. There was a historical figure who did this, heard about him, think he name was…... Jesus, that's it.
I'm going to leave this before it seems to much like a rant. Bishop Webb, please remember, you are a human being, and you are on the verge of something that will have ramifications for generations to come. Look into your heart, put down the book, and look into who you are. This man has done nothing wrong. He has helped many when they needed it. He has stood up for those who were voiceless. To me that is the most Christian thing any one can do.
Gregory Milunich
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