8 September 2013
Bishop Mark J. Webb
Upper New York Annual Conference
United Methodist Church
324 University Avenue, 3rd floor
Syracuse NY 13210
Dear Bishop Webb,
Being a United
Methodist has been an enormous part of forming who I am.
My great-grandfather traveled around the world as an
employee of Methodist Board of Missions.
My grandmother and grandfather were both UM pastors, and my grandfather
served as a District Superintendent of the Wilkes-Barre District in the Wyoming
Conference and has two hymns in the UM Hymnal.
My father has served in many lay leadership roles at the local,
district, and conference level, including a term as chair of the Wyoming
Conference’s Episcopacy Committee. I attended
Annual Conference meetings from the time I was twelve years old. I worked several summers at Sky Lake, where I
met some of my closest friends, as well as my husband. Along with my husband, I left my job to spend
a year volunteering at Henderson Settlement, a UM mission organization in
Kentucky. For much of my life, the
United Methodist Church was the central point around which much of my life
But I am now ready to walk out the door.
I no longer have the patience for an organization that discriminates
against people in the LGBTQ community. How
can the UMC deny the gifts and talents of such an incredible group of
people? Why does this church have a
policy based on such a narrow and selective reading of scripture? Where is the compassion and acceptance for every person that I was taught by my
family and my Sunday School teachers?
After attending General Conference as a page in 2008—after seeing
the underhanded and manipulative methods used by those who refuse to
acknowledge the sacred worth of my friends and family members who are gay—I
felt very strongly that I no longer wanted to be part of the United Methodist
Church. My husband convinced me to try
again, and when we became part of the Tabernacle UMC, we felt that we had come
home. Much of that was due to the
pastor, Rev. Steve Heiss.
Steve is an incredible person—compassionate, funny,
understanding, and humble. He helps our
congregation understand the grace of our God for each person, and he inspires
us to be better and to carry God with us wherever we go. I have learned so much from him about living
a God-inspired life. It is inconceivable
to me that the UMC would even consider refusing the talents of such a person as
Steve, not to mention the countless others who have been denied their calling.
As much as my heritage compels me to remain active in the
United Methodist Church, I do not want to be part of an organization that
I urge you, Bishop Webb, not to be part of this
discrimination, but rather to work to create a United Methodist Church that
strives to follow Jesus’ example of grace and love for all people.
Sarah Reid
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