Dear Bishop Webb:
I was disappointed
to learn that you did not reach a just resolution with Pastor Heiss last week,
and I am puzzled about why. At the 2012 General Conference, Pastor Heiss and others
tried to start dialogue about the rules on homosexuality in the Book of
Discipline, but their efforts were rejected, with great hostility. Last week,
he proposed dialogue again, but you rejected that option – unless he would stop
providing the sacrament of marriage to homosexuals, although legal in New York
State. In other words, you want him to comply with antiquated sections of the
Discipline, on the chance that others would stop refusing to participate in
At Sunday’s
installation of our new District Superintendent, you claimed that the most
important quality in a new DS was deep love for Jesus Christ. How can that be,
when you do not show that love yourself? As you know, the Bible tells this
story about Jesus:
Then one of them, which was a lawyer,
asked him a question, tempting him and saying, Master, which is
the great commandment in the law?
said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with
all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou
shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law
and the prophets.
Matthew 22:35-40 (King James Version)
these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
It seems like you
hang your decision on the Book of Discipline. I wonder if you really believe
the Discipline supersedes the Bible, even where the Discipline is unjust, or if
you simply use the Discipline to hide your personal fears and prejudices. The
reality is, the Discipline contradicts itself. It says the foundation of the
United Methodist Church is to be welcoming and loving, as demonstrated by
providing the sacraments; then it has lots of rules, some of which are not at
all welcoming and loving. The reality is, the Bible has verses that contradict
the lessons that Jesus taught. The reality is, mortals have cherry-picked
verses from the Bible to justify despicable crimes against humanity. You are
cherry-picking from the Discipline, and apparently from the Bible, and
forgetting the center of what Jesus taught: the
two greatest commandments, to love. On these two commandments hang all the law
and the prophets.
The Methodist
Church has had many wonderful members who love God, Jesus, their church, and
one other person, a consenting adult who happens to be of the same gender. Pastor
Heiss shared with you extensive documentation about the natural and benign
nature of homosexuality, as well as the terrible harm done by attempts at
“conversion” and by rejection. When our LGBTQ sisters and brothers are driven out
of the UMC, which seems to be the goal, you also will drive out their straight
family members, friends, and allies. We, who contribute our time, talents, and
income to the church, generously, who have loved all the Methodist church
represented, are horrified by the spiteful, vengeful turn in our leaders’ theology.
This emerging theology rejects the two greatest commandments, on which all
other laws hang. The new UMC theology
rejects Jesus Christ!
Please, Bishop Webb, stop cherry-picking
the Bible and the Discipline. Stop choosing hatred and exclusion over the love,
inclusion, and passion for justice for which Jesus Christ lived, and died.
With hope, though fading,
Beverly Rainforth, Ph.D.
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